Sunday, April 6, 2008

What is PwnageTool and Where can I get it?

1) What exactly does this program do?
Pwnage does almost anything jailbreak related. What it allows you to do is to create a custom firmware file, running unsigned code. What this means for you is that it will allow you to restore your iPod to a pre-jailbroken (pre-unlocked and pre-activated for you iPhone users) firmware file.

2) So how is this better than a program such as ZiPhone?
For one thing, instead of being a firmware specific hack, it should be able to run on any firmware. This means that any future firmware updates are open to jailbreaking immediately, rather than through firmware specific tools that need to be developed. While there is a chance that Apple will be able to fix it, it is highly unlikely.

3) So can I use this to put the 2.0 beta onto my iPod Touch?
Most definitely.

4) What else can this program do in terms of custom firmware?
Have you ever wanted to have a custom boot logo rather than the boring Apple one? Well now you can! Simply choose the image you want, create the custom firmware, load it onto your iPod and enjoy.

5) Is it possible to "Un-PWN" an iPod/ iPhone?
By simply restoring to a normal firmware, your iPod/ iPhone will be returned to it's fresh from the factory (software- wise at least) condition.

6) I've heard that it is only for Mac OSX, will there be a Windows version?
Originally, the iPhone Dev Team had said that it would be OS X only, but due to the work of cmw, one of the members of the team, is working on bringing it to XP. It should be released sometime in the very near future. (This post will be edited once it is released)

7) Where can I get this tool?

from iPod touch Fans



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